Modules that include Ussher Dates for each chapter

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Modules that include Ussher Dates for each chapter

Post by kathleenmarie »

Are there any modules that include the Ussher dates for each chapter?

For the Scofield Bible, it looks like the middle column dates and references are not included?

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Re: Modules that include Ussher Dates for each chapter

Post by epement »

Replying quite late, I'm afraid. I don't know of any Bible modules that include dates for each chapter. The printed version of The Companion Bible has dates and date-spans in the margins to the far left of each printed page. The dates probably don't come from Archbishop Ussher, but from E. W. Bullinger's own calculations (which appear as Appendix 50 of The Companion Bible). On chapters with genealogies such as Genesis 5, there are 11 dates along the margin.

However, none of the information at the left margin of each page of the Companion Bible was copied or carried over into the Companion Bible module available from Bible Analyzer. Whoever copied it did a prodigious job in manually transferring the footnotes and the 198 Appendices, but they entirely omitted the marginal dates and the chiastic "structures" (as Bullinger called them) that create a kind of outline, showing parallelism, alternation, inversion, or other repeating patterns. This was very important to Dr Bullinger, and he felt it was the "surest guide" to the interpretation of the Scriptures.
Eric Pement
2 Cor. 4:5

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Re: Modules that include Ussher Dates for each chapter

Post by kathleenmarie »

I had to buy a print version just for the outlines. Bullinger has a lot of dates, but he skips dating some controversial places where I really wanted to know his opinion the most. Sometimes doctrine is built on dates.

The print copy is very hard to read. I could never use it as my primary Bible.

I move a lot. As much as I really like this book, I won't be taking the hardcopy book with me on my next hop.

Olive Tree software does an interesting thing with a chronological BIble. If I use a regular BIble and the chronological Bible in parallel. I can scroll up from the verse that I want to know the date until I find a date in the chronological Bible.

Either the Xiphos or Crosswire repositories has a copy of the Matthew Henry with dates at the top of each chapter. I wish our Matthew Henry had those dates added.

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