Bible verse links

Deals with using and making modules and other resources
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Bible verse links

Post by NormJ »

Hello, brother Tim,

I purchased Bible Analyzer 4 about a week ago, and I absolutely think its the best Bible Study program around, and I have most of them.

I find it very easy to make modules (I'm doing a literal transliteration of the Greek NT and at the same time, I'm make a module of Brengle's books on Holiness), but I have a question. So far, your documentation and a good book on HTML tags is getting me through. But I need to know how to make Scripture verses active, i.e. when you hover on a verse reference with the mouse, how do you make the verse pop-up. That's the only thing at the moment that I'm wondering about.

No, it isn't. ;) I would also like to be able to "disassemble" some of the modules others have done, or are there templates available that show just what HTML tags are being used, and how they are being used?

Thanks for your help. And keep up the good work.

God bless you.


ps - I'm using Notepad++ as my word processor. Would things work if I used the ScripturePad?

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Re: Bible verse links

Post by Tim »

Thanks for the kind words, Brother. There is even more coming for Bible Analyzer in the near future, Lord willing.

To make the links live, there are two methods,

A single string reference
A custom link.

The single string method is likely the easiest. All you need to do is format the refs in a way Bible Analyzer can understand. First, the book name must match the three letter abbrs. in the Bible Tree (Gen, Exo, Lev, etc.). Also, there must be an underscore (_) between the book and the chapter. Finally, surround the ref with underline tags so Bible Analyzer will treat it as a ref.

For instance,
This sentence will have live refs of <u>Gen_3:15</u>, <u>Gen_3:17-18</u>, <u>Mat_4:4</u>.

The other method is a link. With it the ref does not have to be a certain format, but the link does. It needs to be formatted as such,

This sentence will have live refs of <a href="bible://Gen 3:15">Genesis 3:15</a>, <a href="bible://Gen 3:17-18">17-18</a>, <a href="bible://Mat_4:4">Matthew 4:4</a>.

If you have more questions, let us know.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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Re: Bible verse links

Post by NormJ »

Thank you, Tim.

That is exactly what I needed. Both methods work. The underline method works for single verses, and the link works for disjointed verses. Is there a method that should be used when you have three or more verse passage?

Thanks for the help

Norm J

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2Ti 2:15 AV

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Re: Bible verse links

Post by Tim »

If you mean a span of verses, either method will work.

<u>Rom_4:5-10</u> or
<a href="bible://Rom 4:5-10">Romans 4:5-10</a>

Will display all six verses.

If you mean chains of verses you have to make a link of each ref.

<a href="bible://Rom 4:5">Romans 4:5</a>, <a href="bible://Rom 4:7">7</a>, <a href="bible://Rom 4:9">9</a>

Will link
Romans 4:5, 7, 9
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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Re: Bible verse links

Post by NormJ »

Thanks, Tim.

It's working great. I've only had BA about a week or so, but it is the premier Bible Study software that have found. I have e-Sword, WordSearch, SwordSearch, The Word, and others, but I find it so very easy to make modules in BA. You have done a magnificent job.

All that said (and I mean it), do you have any plans to make modules from say, The Word, adaptable to BA?
There is a way to make the modules work on e-Sword, but I haven't tried that, and then getting them to BA.
Brengle's books are already on The Word, so it would save me a lot of time.

I do have the verse links working, and they're working just great!

Thanks for all your help.
Norm J

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2Ti 2:15 AV

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Re: Bible verse links

Post by Tim »

Thanks again for the kind words.

I have thought of making a TheWord convertor. In fact, I have some scripts written to convert them here at the office but nothing yet in Bible Analyzer. Converting most Bibles would is pretty simple, but like e-sword, converting the other modules is troublesome.

The issue is both TheWord and e-sword use RTF document markup while Bible Analyzer uses basic HTML. The conversion to HTML can be a problem because some things just don't convert well such as tables and such, and often ES and TW modules are not made consistently. If you do try the esword convertor you will find it will not work on all modules. It will not convert Greek/Hebrew text and some other things. It will convert most basic and simply laid out modules, though.

One thing I could make pretty easily for TheWord is a data extractor from TheWord modules. That is it will extract the data from the TW database and save it as a text file. Then the user could edit the text file and run it through Module Creator.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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