5.2 Beta Testing (Linux)

Issues and Comments on the Current Beta Versions
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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Linux)

Post by wsbones »

Hi Darryl,
"Can you elaborate on that? I can switch to either Commentaries or Dictionaries and it works great."

I am running Linux Mint 18.1 Cinnamon. I installed the latest BA from the link on page 1.

I go to Gen 6.4 and click on giants. It opens in Webster 1913 as giant. Good. When I click the dropdown for Webster and select the next entry, Gibbethon, the word giant still stay highlighted in the dropdown still stays as giants. I work my way down the list and nothing happens until I get to "Gilead". Then the dictionary opens a page for the word "Antrim" and says there is no entry in the dictionary for that word. I have a feeling that the index is wacked. I think I may need to reindex these files but I don't remember where that option is located.

Same thing happens with the commentaries.

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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Linux)

Post by darrel_jw »

I am sorry to hear that. I used to run Linux Mint 18, but I like to play with different distros, and now I think I am home with Ubuntu-Mate. You might try running Ubuntu-Mate live on a thumb drive, install BA and see what happens. I don't know enough about the "internals" of Linux to know how to address what you are seeing. So all I can do is - Lord, show and guide my friend in how to address this issue. Give him guidance and insight in how to address it. Thank you Holy Spirit!

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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Linux)

Post by wsbones »

Thanks Darryl,

I think I might have a clue. I copied all my modules over from my windows system. BA for windows is version rather than so that might be it.

I sent Tim an email about the problem so it will probably get resolved in good time. It's not a feature that's critical to me but it should work.

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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Linux)

Post by RobertRathbone »

wsbones wrote:Thanks Darryl,

I think I might have a clue. I copied all my modules over from my windows system. BA for windows is version rather than so that might be it.
I'm having a similar issue to yours with the drop down not selecting what I click on. I also copied some modules from a Windows installation of BA, although I don't remember which ones. I would think that the modules should be the same for all operation systems but I guess we will have to wait for Tim to make that determination. My BA installation in Linux is very unstable, in contrast to Darryl, with occasional lock ups and other strange bugs. For instance, the ability to highlight a verse and copy it to the clipboard (the right-click menu option is grayed out) so I have to export it to the S-Pad and copy it from there. I've just not had time to itemize the bugs I've found in order to post them here. I'm also running under Linux Mint 18.1 64 bit.


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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Linux)

Post by Tim »

Its going to be a few days before I can get back to the Linux beta, but I will. I'll try to see if I can duplicate the dropdown issue. I use Mint 18 to develop on.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Linux)

Post by darrel_jw »

Linux Mint 18 is based on Ubuntu 16.04 where Ubuntu-Mate 17.04 is based on Ubuntu 17.04. Mint will not go to 16.10 until at least the end of the year and possibly next year and will not go to 17.04 until latter part of next year. So I don't know if the version of Ubuntu has any bearing on the issues or not. I know that with my install it really is rock solid. Also I run BA for windows 5.2 in a virtualbox with Windows 7 and (until the Linux version 5.2 was release) I moved modules back and forth between the Linux version 5.05 and the virtualbox quite frequently and never had any issues. I have quite a lot of modules installed.

The only thing I am really waiting on now is for Tim to
1. release some of the Hebrew stuff he and Eliran Wong have been working on,
2. (hopefully!) some reworking of S-Pad to make its documents searchable and
3. making dictionary and text module creation easier, similar to what theWord does

That's my "wish-list". Other than that, Tim I like what you have done with BA for Linux!


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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Linux)

Post by wsbones »

I installed Ubuntu Mate 17.04 on a USB (with persistence so I could install software and keep results). I booted from the USB and installed the latest deb file for BA. I still have the problem with the drop down boxes for commentaries and dictionaries not working.

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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Linux)

Post by darrel_jw »

Wow! Guess we'll have to await Tim for an answer. My friend I am sorry.

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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Linux)

Post by darrel_jw »

Just got to thinking. One thing you can try -
1. move all installed modules, including those in .config/BibleAnalyzer, to a holder folder in your home directory,
2. install new BA. This gives you a completely clean install.
3. Run BA and check the behavior on dictionaries and commentaries.

If it behaves normally then you know at least one of your installed modules has a problem and you can begin moving them back one at a time until you locate the bad one.

If the behavior has not changed just move all those saved modules back into their folders, restart BA and you're back to where you were. Not sure if that will help but it might be worth a try and doesn't take very long.


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Re: 5.2 Beta Testing (Linux)

Post by wsbones »

Thanks Darryl,

I think I tested that situation when I did the clean install on Ubuntu 17.04 and still had the problem.

I didn't copy any of my modules over. I just used what was part of the install. Still had trouble with the dropdowns. I wonder if there is a missing dependency that you have already installed that didn't come with the BA.deb file.

Tim can sort it out. Thanks for the idea.


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