Linux timeline for 5.0?

Issues and Comments on the Current Beta Versions
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Linux timeline for 5.0?

Post by RobertRathbone »

The 5.0 beta has thus far been Windows only. I was curious what the timeline is for the Linux version? I would have thought that the Windows, Linux and even Mac versions might be developed in parallel given the cross-platform nature of Python, but I'm sure things aren't as simple as that. ;)

I enjoy the program in Linux even though it seems to be a bit unstable in that OS, probably due to certain differences between the operating systems. But I'm looking forward to trying out the Linux version once it's ready for testing.


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Re: Linux timeline for 5.0?

Post by Tim »

For the most part the code between the OSs is the same, but there are differences between them that must be addressed. File location, permission issues, TTS differences and just general window and button differences must be dealt with.

The Windows edition is nearly ready and when released i'll start working on Mac and Linux. One issue with Linux I have found is a key requirement for Bible Analyzer is only in the very latest Ubuntu repository, i.e. 14.10. That will be OK for users of that version and newer, but the latest repository for Mint 17 is 14.04 and those users won't be able to run it. I may have to package the dependencies with the app but then i don't know if I can get it in the Ubuntu Software Center.

There are always problems.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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Re: Linux timeline for 5.0?

Post by RobertRathbone »

There are always problems.
As a fellow developer, I completely understand. Features dependent on the presence of certain libraries always present a problem, even when working on a single OS. Although I use Linux at home, at work I program for Windows and still have to worry about deployment issues such as making sure all the necessary DLLs get installed, or supporting library installers get launched. So I can imagine the difficulties involved in supporting multiple OSs.

Keep up the good work!

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Re: Linux timeline for 5.0?

Post by bookittie »

Keep up the good work!
I second that! Thanks for supporting Linux.

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