Bug Report | Pop Verse creates a pop up on Bing Search

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Bug Report | Pop Verse creates a pop up on Bing Search

Post by bigb2k »

Bug Report for PopVerse App - Bing Search Error

Note: I used ChatGPT to help generate this Bug Report, hoping it would provide all the information you need and make it easier.

Bug Description: When PopVerse is activated in the browser, and performing a search, an error window pops up twice, causing an interruption in the user experience. This bug occurs consistently and can hinder users from effectively using the app to browse Bing Search results.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Activate the PopVerse app on a Windows 11, 64-bit machine.
  2. Open browser to Bing search page.
  3. Enter a search query and initiate a search.
  4. Hover mouse over links in page.
  5. Pop up error appears.
Expected Behavior: PopVerse should only activate a popup window if I hover over a verse. It should exclude Bing Search results.

Actual Behavior: Upon hovering over a link in the search result, an error window pops up twice consecutively. This disrupts the user experience and prevents them from accessing the content they intended to view.

Additional Information:
  • Device: Windows 11, 64-bit machine
  • Browser: Microsoft Edge, Version 116.0.1938.54
  • App Version: 2.0.1
  • Screenshots/Recordings: see attachment
  • Error Messages: www.bing.com says Error: Resizeobserver loop completed with undelivered notifications.
Impact: This bug negatively impacts user experience, making it difficult to use Bing. It can lead to frustration and may discourage users from continuing to use the app.

Reproducibility: This bug is consistently reproducible by following the provided steps. It occurs every time a user attempts to click on a Bing Search result within the PopVerse app.

Workaround: Using Google search, or turning off PopVerse unless I'm on a page that I want to use it.

Attachments:See attachment. Showing 2 different searches at the following URLs:

Thank you for your prompt attention to this bug report. Addressing and rectifying this issue will significantly enhance the overall user experience of the PopVerse app. If further information is required, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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Re: Bug Report | Pop Verse creates a pop up on Bing Search

Post by Tim »

Thanks for the detailed report. I'll check into it.

It is job trying to keep up with all the browser changes and tightened security..
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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