Errata in ELBP, entry 2476 - Saul/Paul

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Errata in ELBP, entry 2476 - Saul/Paul

Post by epement »

In the Exhaustive Library of Bible People, in the entry for Saul of Tarsus/the apostle Paul #2476, . . .

Death Year says "unknown", but it should at least give a span of dates, most likely AD 65-68. (FF Bruce, AD 65; Jack Finegan, AD 67; Dale Moody, AD 68.) Since Nero committed suicide on June 9, AD 68, Paul's execution could not have been after that time.

Death Location says "unknown", but it is almost certainly Rome.

Bio data says: (It is not improbable tha, t he was born between A.D. 0 and A.D. 5).

1. Fix punctuation to "improbable that he was".
2. Fix end of sentence punctuation to "A.D. 5.)", as period goes inside parens.
3. There is no year zero!! The next year after 1 BC is AD 1.
4. Recommend to change the sentence entirely.

Why? There is almost no information about the year of Paul's birth. He was born "probably in the first decade of the Christian era" (F.F. Bruce, Paul, Apostle of the Heart Set Free, 1977, p 37.)

Finally, under "near relations", it indicates no relatives, but Acts 23:16 says "And when Paul's sister's son heard of their lying in wait, he went and entered into the castle, and told Paul." So Saul/Paul had a sister and a nephew who are mentioned in the book of Acts.

Should these unnamed people be mentioned in the Exhaustive Library of Bible People?
Eric Pement
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Re: Errata in ELBP, entry 2476 - Saul/Paul

Post by Tim »

Yes, those changes/corrections should be made sometime. The data was compiled by others and various dictionaries.

There are other similar corrections that could be made. It just takes time, which is limited.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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