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Context feature

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 5:49 am
by mikephil
Would there be a way to add a feature as one runs the Mouse pointer over a bible verse by also pressing a "key" (i.e. "ctrl or shift or alt" ) having this to show a couple verses before and a couple verses after the selected (hoovered over) bible reference. As I was doing a reference study I wasn't wanting to actually select that verse and change my main reading window but if i could have seen the corresponding verses for context (before and after), the find would have been smother. Either way you are doing a great job with this project thanks and may God Bless you!!

Re: Context feature

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 7:10 am
by JPG
See Preferences Options II
Set the Maximum Popup Verse Range. Now when you hover with the Ctrl key pressed you will get 3 verses either side.

Edit. Strange it does not have the effect I was expecting. However I do get verses either side in the popup when holding down the Ctrl key.
This is for BA in Windows.
Ah I see now that I have read the manual. This setting is just for limiting what is shown in a popup if you were to hover a larger verse range span, so that you don't get a huge popup.

Re: Context feature

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 8:23 am
by Tim
Yes, hovering over a ref with Ctrl down will show the verse within a 7 verse context.

A right-click on the ref and selecting "View [VS] Context in MultiWindow" with show the whole chapter with the ref in the MultiWindow. The main Bible panel is not changed

The option in Preferences limits the popup overall length of a span of refs (1:5-20, etc.).

Re: Context feature

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:06 am
by mikephil
Yes that's great! Thanks
What determines the placement of the popup window? When I hoover over it pops up right below or above the verse. Which usually is fine, but in a larger popup window like say with the "CTRL" key pressed or a range of verses, this popup window is often off the screen at that point.
Thanks, again