Companion Bible Notes and Linux

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Companion Bible Notes and Linux

Post by paeuk »

Hi TIm,

Me again! :)

I've just purchased the Netbible and Notes and Companion Bible/Notes for BA. I'm trying to use them in my Linux install (3.7 Linux, or 3.9 under Wine - Ubuntu 9.04).

What I'm finding is that on the 3.7 under native Linux the Companion Notes are all spurious characters. The Netbible notes appears to have the same problem but less acute with a lot of English text readable but with the same type of strange characters appearing throughout the text.

The Companion Bible Appendices don't appear to have this problem.

Having checked the NetBible against the one I have on my Palm PDA, I notice that in the Bible it's the inverted comma's that are having the problem and also in the Notes, although there are a lot of other characters which are corrupted in the Notes. The same character doesn't seem to have a problem in the CB appendices.

Is this simple case of either 1) these modules are not supported on the Linux 3.7 version or 2) I'm missing some sort of font character set? . . . or something else! :)


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Re: Companion Bible Notes and Linux

Post by Tim »

The Companion Bible is only supported by 3.9 because of encoding issues and such. The NET Notes may work but you will have to install the needed .ttf fonts. They can be found here in .zip format,

I am working on 3.9 for Linux it may take a week or two. It will not have text-to-speech or audio, but should have pretty much everything else new. When it is functional I will send a beta to test if you like. The Companion Bible Notes and all other new mods will work on it.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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Re: Companion Bible Notes and Linux

Post by paeuk »

Thanks Tim, that's great about 3.9 for Linux and I would definitely appreciate being included in testing the beta.

I downloaded the fonts zip file from your link and tried installing the contents in both


(these locations are from doing a Google on how to install TTF fonts in Linux)

But in neither case did it make any difference to the NET Bible Notes. Is this where I should have installed them?

I can wait for the 3.9 so it's not a problem :)



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Re: Companion Bible Notes and Linux

Post by Tim »

should be it. I don't remember if the computer had to be rebooted or not for them to register.

Nevertheless, I got 3.9 working on 9.04 and got to do quite abit more adjusting the buttons and such. Linux buttons and text is larger than Windows and the text doesn't fit.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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Re: Companion Bible Notes and Linux

Post by paeuk »

Thanks Tim,

No success with the fonts, but it's not essential since 3.9 is in the wings.

Would be great if there was some way to get the window size working okay in 3.9. I'm realising that even if I unminimise the application it will not let me shrink the window height. So even though the config.ini is saying 1024x600 I can't see the bottom of the application window (maximized or unmaximised) which inhibits the use of the program. I've even moved the Ubuntu menu bar on the side to see if BA doesn't like the 600pixels-menubar but there is still about a "menu-bar" extra height in the BA window and so when you click on any part of the app it just shift the whole app window up or down by that amount and won't let you access anything properly - strange. Very strange issue since no other application I have on the machine has this type of problem. It's almost as though it has some inbuilt restriction to stop me shrinking the height.

Have a great weekend and thanks for the feedback etc. appreciated.


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Re: Companion Bible Notes and Linux

Post by Tim »

I think the 3.9 will solve that issue. In fact, I have it about ready to test. Didn't take as long as I thought to reformat things.

May have a beta uploaded later this evening or tomorrow evening. It will not be a .deb it will be the app files in a zip that must be extracted to the usr folder replacing the 3.7 files. The best way to run it is from Terminal. That way one can see all the print statements and/or errors.

I haven't tested everything, but the CB and NET works OK. The only major things that won't work are audio and TTS.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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