Right-click on Gospel verse opens Gospel Harmony

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Right-click on Gospel verse opens Gospel Harmony

Post by epement »

This is a suggestion for a new feature in Bible Analyzer.

If the active Bible window is on one of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), and if a verse is currently highlighted (e.g., Luke 4:4), I would like to be able to right-click and jump to a default Gospel Harmony for that verse.

I know that the Gospel Harmony is a feature of the Parallel Presenter, and that the Presenter has the ability to store and use more than one Gospel Harmony. Only one harmony is provided with Bible Analyzer by default ("The Fourfold Gospel," collected by McGarvey and Pendleton in 1914), but in principle several different gospel harmonies could be added by the user.

It would be nice if the Preferences section had an option to choose a default gospel harmony, and if the user was able to jump to the relevant section of the gospel harmony on a right-click. I know that the gospel harmony files are stored in plain text using chapter-and-verse ranges (like "Mar 7:32-8:9"). so this would add another layer of complexity to the request.

However, you might think of a way to make it work, so I though I would at least mention this. Do you think this would be of benefit to the users? (If I can help you implement this in any way, I would be glad to try.)
Eric Pement
2 Cor. 4:5

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Re: Right-click on Gospel verse opens Gospel Harmony

Post by Tim »

This could be made to work but I'm not sure it would add much more than just accessing the cross references for a verse. Luke 4:4 will cross ref to the parallel passages and more. It would make the parallel passages viewable in one page, though.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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