BA on Linux Mint 22, and log question

Issues and Comments on the Current Beta Versions
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BA on Linux Mint 22, and log question

Post by epement »

The beta version of BA successfully installed on Linux Mint 22 ("Wilma").

It did produce this message. Note that the title says "Warning" but the text says "Error":
BA Linux error 2024-11-12_12-11.png
BA Linux error 2024-11-12_12-11.png (8.46 KiB) Viewed 19422 times
I have a question. For Linux Mint, after new modules are installed, where are the install logs kept?

I looked in /opt/bibleanalyzer and in /var/logs, and cannot seem to find them. Can anyone help?
Eric Pement
2 Cor. 4:5

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