Bible Analyzer 5.1 Web Links Demo

With v5.1 of Bible Analyzer the user can build webpages that include links which will open Bible Analyzer and perform certain tasks. These pages can be run on a local computer, local network, or posted on the internet. They should be useful, especially to Bible teachers, for referencing Bible verses, searches, and various resource pages.

Basic Link Format

bibleanalyzer://[action type](+optional title)/[entry]

Spaces in links should not be used. Either use the underscore (_) or HTML space (%20) in their place.

Examples of the possible link actions and formatting.

Bible Reference

References can be made the current, active verse in Bible Analyzer. The translation ('+av') is optional. Book abbreviations should match the standard three character abbreviations Bible Analyzer uses. Either

Gen 3.15

John 3.16 in ASV

Bible Verse List

A list of verses can be sent to the Multiwindow in Bible Analyzer. The translation ('+av') is optional.

Rom 3:22, 10:3; 2Co 5:21; Col 1:22

Bible Search

A single word, list of words, or phrase can be searched for in Bible Analyzer. Wildcards (*?) can be used.

Search for "mercy"

Search for "born" and "again"

Search for phrase "born again"

Dictionary Topic

Will open the topic in the stated dictionary.


Show "Affinity" topic in KJ-Wordbook

Show "G25" topic in Strong's Dictionary

Commentary Comment

Will open the comment in the stated commentary.

Show "Jam 5:20" comment in OVC

Book Chapter

Show "Justification" chapter in "More Than Forgiven"

Sample Usage

An example how the links could be inserted in documents. As footnotes, inline links, standalone links, etc.


Man generally thinks of salvation in terms of forgiveness2 or pardon. God, however, knew man needed much more than just his sins forgiven. If salvation only meant forgiveness, the believer would still be bound to his sin nature and unable to quit sinning. He would be forgiven for his sins but still hold the position of a sinner in God's sight. God did not want such a weak and practically useless salvation for believers. He devised one that not only takes the sins away but also puts righteousness in their place—both imputed and imparted righteousness. When He looks on a believer, He does not see someone who is still a sinner and only forgiven, or someone who is just innocent of the guilt of sin. He sees that saint completely justified with the righteousness of His son Jesus Christ (Rom 3:22-26, 10:3-4; 2Co 5:21; Col 1:22-23)3.

The term justification in itself only speaks of God imputing righteousness to the believer's account. However, the Christian not only has righteousness reckoned to him (see Imputation), he also has it IN him. It is one of the characteristics of the"divine nature" he received the moment he believed (2Pe 1:4; see Regeneration4). This imparted righteousness can also be found under the doctrine, Sanctification5.

Search for Forgiv* in AV
See definition of Justification in ISBE
View verselist of all references
See Regeneration in "More Than Forgiven"
See Sanctification in "More Than Forgiven"