passworded archives?

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passworded archives?

Post by rosc »

Took a look at the modules and saw a few new ones so I downloaded them, and see they are now Makeself .run archives, that require passwords? Where do I find the password? These are listed as free modules.

The windows .exe's do not require passwords. I'm confused.

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Re: passworded archives?

Post by Tim »

The .run scripts do not require passwords. They do have a built-in integrity check, but that is transparent to the user.

To run the files you only need to make them executable and then run them in Terminal. They will self extract into the proper Bible Analyzer Module folder.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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Re: passworded archives?

Post by rosc »

Code: Select all

$ ./ 
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Bible Analyzer Modules.......

Checking to verify that Bible Anlayzer is installed...

Installation verified. The modules will be installed here,

Proceeding with the module installation...

Copying the files to the Bible Analyzer directories...
Sorry, user rosc is not allowed to execute '/bin/cp -r ./' as root on deneb.

The new modules have been installed and are ready for use.
Press Enter to close.
I assumed it's using sudo to obtain root perms, but, that didn't work. I then su'd to root and tried. I'm not sure what's going on. And it still did not work. I don't like having to use root permission just to unarchive a file into my home dir. That seems excessive and dangerous. Why not keep the tar archive format?

Code: Select all

 (as root)
# ./ 
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Bible Analyzer Modules.......

Checking to verify that Bible Anlayzer is installed...

Installation verified. The modules will be installed here,

Proceeding with the module installation...

Copying the files to the Bible Analyzer directories...
cp: missing destination file operand after `./'
Try `cp --help' for more information.

The new modules have been installed and are ready for use.  

(but they were NOT installed)

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Re: passworded archives?

Post by Tim »

Let me correct my first answer, the archive itself does not require a password but the Linux system does require your admin password to copy the files.

The reason we went with the .run scripts is to make the installation as seamless as possible. Believe it or not, many Linux users don't know what to do with tar files or archives.

The reason root access is required is because BA (and all other apps) must be installed in a root owned folder. Ubuntu requires the /opt folder. That is where the /modules folder is a well. So for the script to copy the files it has to have root access just like when the app is first installed.

I'm not sure what is causing your issue. The .run script extracts the files to the /tmp folder and then tries to copy them to the usr/bibleanalyzer/modules folder. It seems you are still having a permissions issue.

What version of Ubuntu are you using?
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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Re: passworded archives?

Post by rosc »

I don't use ubuntu. I use slackware. Ubuntu uses .deb archives, so those would just need the debian/ubuntu installer 'apt' or 'aptitude' (or, in my case, I extract the files and install them where I want them manually). I have installed BA in my homedir, not the system dir (and edited the python files of course, so it runs properly.)

I figured out that the file needs a --target <dir> argument, so I did get it extracted.

Would still be better to not need root privs, as this is dangerous. If the files were .deb archives, it could be installed with the system 'apt' command, which presumably Ubuntu users would be familiar with. Why reinvent the wheel.

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