Crash on start

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Crash on start

Post by srice »

I'm working on two different Macs, one at the office, and one at home. I have noticed when I open it at home, there isn't an issue. If I open Bible Analyzer at home, then close it. The next time I'm at the office, it doesn't open for me at the office. I'm using Dropbox and the cloud path. My usernames are probably different on each of the Macs, and the Mac version is different on each of the Macs. So there are quite a bit of variables there. If I go into the Library/Application Support/Bible Analyzer/ folder and delete or rename the cloudpath.ini file, this resets it and I'm able to open it. So I know it is related to the cloudpath.ini and using the cloud sync feature that is extremely useful. Just needs some work. I'm sure it has something to do with the folder names not being identical.
Serving the King,
Shane Rice
Romans 12:1-2

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Re: Crash on start

Post by Tim »

When you try to open at the office, what happens? Do you get a message or nothing?

cloudpath.ini holds the path to the local instance of the remote folder. It tells the local instance of Bible Analyzer where to look for the synced folder.

Try opening Bible Analyzer from from its package by,

Right-click on the Bible Analyzer app and select "Show Package Contents"
Go to MacOS folder
Double-click Bible Analyzer to run

This will open Bible Analyzer in terminal and show the errors when it tries to start. Be sure it is trying to sync with the Dropbox folder and then send me the report.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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Re: Crash on start

Post by srice »

Here is the error report:

Code: Select all

System Architecture: 64bit x86_64
Frozen: macosx_app

#---- End System Information ----#

#---- Traceback Info ----#

*** Wed Jan  8 09:12:36 2020 ***
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/Bible Analyzer", line 8650, in OnInit
  File "/Applications/Bible Analyzer", line 8654, in ShowMain
  File "/Applications/Bible Analyzer", line 792, in __init__
  File "aui/auibook.pyc", line 4317, in SetSelection
IndexError: list index out of range

#---- End Traceback Info ----#
The problem is partially with the cloudpath file... More so it is with the config.ini file in the Dropbox folder. Because the paths are different for the Dropbox folder on each respective machine, it causes it to crash. Removing the cloudpath.ini file just causes it to load the local instead, and work. When it tries to load the Dropbox version of the config.ini file, it causes it to crash. I was able to replicate it by renaming the config.ini file in the Dropbox folder to and config.ini.home and then renaming the wrong one to the original config.ini file name to replicate the crash. Hopefully that makes sense what I explained.

I think it is line #11 in the config.ini file

Code: Select all

lastsaved = u'Users/HomeUsername/Dropbox/Foldername home/Bibleanalyzer/file.xml'
The other would read something like this:

Code: Select all

lastsaved = u'Users/OfficeUsername/Dropbox/Foldername office/Bibleanalyzer/file.xml'
At least that is just my theory, and speculation.
Serving the King,
Shane Rice
Romans 12:1-2

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Posts: 1472
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Re: Crash on start

Post by Tim »

Thanks for the report. It shows Bible Analyzer is trying to select a tab that is not available. I can fix so it won't crash.

Do you have the same modules on both locations? I suspect you may not. I tried to compensate for this possibility but it needs a little refinement it seems.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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