Commentaries busting BA..

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Commentaries busting BA..

Post by rob4Christ »

Happy Easter season!! Most Glorious time of the year!

Request for Help.. I installed 4.1, with the help of the forums (configobj and whatnot), and now I can open the program and read new bible modules I downloaded from the site. However, I have a problem with downloaded commentary modules and TSKe that I put in Modules/Commentaries. When I install them in the directory and try to start BA, it crashes. I take them out, all is well. I noticed the downloaded files don't have an .idx file, so I removed the .idx that came with Scofield and tried to run BA, but another crash. Is it that BA needs the .idx files to work?? Thanks for your time..

God Bless,

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Re: Commentaries busting BA..

Post by Tim »

Sorry for the delay in this reply. For some reason I was not notified of a new post.

The idx files are index files created when Bible Analyzer is run. It looks for them on start and if not there it creates a new one.

Try putting the commentaries in one at a time and see if it is a certain one causing the crash.

Are you using Ubuntu or another flavor of Linux.

One thing you can try is run Bible Analyzer from Terminal (type bibleanalyzer) and any errors will show up there. You can post here what it outputs.
Tim Morton
Developer, Bible Analyzer

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5 AV)

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Re: Commentaries busting BA..

Post by rob4Christ »

Hi Tim...

...and thanks for responding. I was just about to apply your response and then I suddenly thought of something: Permissions. I then unpacked the Darby commentary and then ran BA as sudo. The program accepted the commentary, and created the .idx file. Now I can even run BA as normal user and the commentary is there.

My apologies for taking up your time, I should have thought of this sooner. I am however thankful that you are working so hard to make your wonderful program available for us Linux users. Now I hope Natty doesn't break it!!!

God Bless,

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